Our History

Educational Action Zones

North Islington Education Action Zone (NIEAZ) was one of the first of the statutory education action zones (EAZ’s) established under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. The aim of EAZ’s was to maximize educational opportunities in areas of social and economic deprivation. Each zone operated for an initial three year period, and the successful ones, such as NIEAZ, were extended for two further years.


In November 1999 schools in the Northern part of Islington Local Authority were invited to ‘join’ together to share good practice, identify joint priority areas and to work collaboratively to raise educational standards in their schools. The Zone comprised fourteen primary schools, three secondary schools and one special school and two nursery schools joined as associates.

The Zone’s headteachers and the FFT sponsor agreed the key focus would be on developing high standards of literacy, numeracy and ICT. There was great emphasis placed on recruiting very highly qualified and experienced professionals to lead the projects. These Project Leaders ensured there was thorough research and development with integral collaborative professional development supported but the unique use of data pioneered by FFT. Staff from across the Zone began working together on collaborative projects as they had never done before. This approach, advocated by FFT, was known as structured improvement methodology. For a list of the many achievement of the Zone please see the full paper.

Post 2005

Upon the demise of the EAZ the collaboration evolved into Education Improvement Partnership. This enabled the partnership to move forward to secure continued schools improvements through partnership.

Schools continued to second teachers to the Zone either at reduced costs or free of charge. Although there was a significant drop in income the Zone continued with the majority of programmes with schools gradually covering supply cover costs and investment in ICT resources.

March 2011

With the cessation once again of central government funding the collaboration evolved into The Future Zone and continues today fully funded by the schools within the partnership.

If you would like more information, please download our detailed history.

Some past events

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