Collaborative Learning

FutureZone offers its pupils an opportunity to develop expertise, knowledge and interest in the Arts through it’s annual collaborative learning projects.

There are three projects per year:

  • Poetry Course and Competition for Year 6
  • Writing through Film Course in Year 5
  • Writing through Art Course in partnership with Kenwood House in Year 4

The courses follow a similar format with pupils studying one poem, film or painting per week for 5 weeks. The lessons are designed to offer sustained opportunities for discussion on the focus piece with pupils exchanging ideas and thoughts. At the end of the week’s study pupils respond with a piece of writing inspired by their study.

Pupils have access to a blog where they can share their writing with a real audience; the other FutureZone pupils. The blog also provides an opportunity to further discussions instigated in class with other schools and a platform to celebrate and publicise the talents of the pupils.

The courses end with a celebration. On completion of the poetry course, pupils own poems are published in school booklets while the best poems make the nominated poet booklet. Each school has a poet of the year and the best poet is crowned FutureZone poet laureate of the year. The Writing through Film course draws to a close with pupils collaborating to make their own film. The Writing through Art course ends with the memorable pupils visits to Kenwood House for them to see the paintings they’ve studied and a celebration morning where the pupils’ own art is displayed in the famous house.


You can see our 22/23 blog evolve with examples of pupils’ responses to the  projects via:

The collaborative learning projects are designed to provide pupils with an opportunity for in-depth study and exploration of the Arts. It is hoped pupils will develop their understanding of and enthusiasm for, often overlooked, areas of the curriculum. The projects are designed to stimulate speaking and listening helping to enhance pupils’ oracy and confidence in their own opinions and views. The focus of the arts and the sustained discussion provide a platform for pupils to develop their writing. The blog provides an opportunity for peer to peer assessment as well as linking school and home life.

Contact Details

Project Lead: Michael Walsh

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