FZ Shared Inset

Futurezone are committed to providing ongoing high quality professional development to staff. As well as numerous individual courses like Fierce Conversation, Let’s Think in English, coaching,, Leadership programmes and Networks, FZ schools have collaborated to offer  shared Inset days.

FZ provided two shared Inset days for all schools where staff accessed high quality keynotes and workshops. In recent years FZ staff have enjoyed presentations on Dual Coding, Forest Schools, Growth Mindset, Evidence Based Teaching, Dual Coding, Talk for Writing amongst other opportunities

In the most recent FZ Shared Inset day colleagues from across FZ joined together online for the launch of the FZ “Conolly project” named after the UK’s first black HT. Colleagues enjoyed presentations from Darren Chetty a Teaching Fellow at UCL Institute of Education, Naheeda Maharasingam FCCT Head Teacher Rathfern Primary School as well as this pre-recorded video from Yvonne Conolly:



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Contact Details

Project Lead: Michael Walsh
Email: walsh1234@hotmail.com

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