FZ Autumn Newsletter 18
FZ Leadership Courses

Leadership Development with Future Zone
Between 2016 and 2021 FZ offered fully funded leadership programmes led by the Institute of Education. FZ teachers were invited to Early Careers’ course, Middle Leaders’ and Senior Leader’s programme.
Between 2016 and 2021 FZ provided 221 teachers with an opportunity to access a leadership course.
Since 2021 FZ have worked with IOE/UCL becoming a delivery partner and offering NPQ courses. In 2022/23 FZ offered their own NPQ courses in Leading Teaching and Senior Leadership to FZ staff and colleagues from other schools.
See: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ioe/departments-and-centres/centres/ucl-centre-educational-leadership/national-professional-qualifications#delivery-partner-network
Contact Details
Project Lead: Michael Walsh
Email: walsh1234@hotmail.com