Future Zone Deputy Headteacher & Assistant Headteacher group

The FutureZone leaders network aims to support deputy and assistant head teachers through collaboration, sharing of good practise and areas of development.
The network have focused on changes in assessment, approaches to marking, underachieving groups of pupils. They also develop the FZ moderation meetings between schools.
The 2020/21 focus for the network is the “Conolly Project”; named after the UK’s first female black Headteacher.
The project has four objectives:
1. To share, learn from and celebrate models of good practice within Futurezone and nationwide and create a supportive, open yet challenging forum for discussion on the issues and barriers facing BAME in our schools.
2. To raise awareness of privilege and address the social, economic and cultural differences that are barriers to BAME in the education setting and beyond.
3. To ensure our schools’ curriculum reflects the children being taught, develops positive identities of self for all children and staff and pupils are provided with critical lens to critically review and evaluate learning areas and materials.
4. To provide training to support FZ stakeholders in attaining substantive diversity in education and promote inclusive representation among school leaders, decision makers and other key stakeholders (e.g. LBI) including review equality policies.
The network meets half-termly.
- To provide a network of support for deputies and assistant head teachers
- To work collaboratively on assessment without levels
- To provide the opportunity to discuss and share ideas
- To provide exemplification materials against the new curriculum
- To work together to provide a range of opportunities for moderation in reading, writing and mathematics.
Contact Details
Project Lead: Michael Walsh
Email: walsh1234@hotmail.com